Sunday, February 05, 2006

Just saw "Underworld: Evolution" with Jonah, hahaha. Wow, we really aren't the sons of my father, I mean seeing a mediocre movie over the SuperBowl, poor dad! Oh well, what can be done, we just are not the sports oriented types. But yeah, the movie was so so, and at one point Jonah blurts out," when did this become a soft core porn?!" I almost lost it right there, and we all know what that is like. A foghorn as someone once aptly described the sound.
As always, coincidence and the like keep popping up in my life. Almost immediately after writing my latest post this afternoon on how I need more spiritual guidance and help, I recieved a phone call from church asking if I would lector on Maundy Thursday during Holy Week, and help with communion. Of course I accepted, and actually was honored. Its very important to be reader on that of all nights, as it is the celebration of the Last Supper, and my favorite night during Holy Week. We strip the altar at the end of service in recognition of Christ's death, while draping the crosses all in black. You really ought to go a service that night somewhere. Even if not at my church, haha, somewhere. I find it a moving experience and one that puts Easter Sunday and the Palm Sunday before it into perspective. I have fond memories of that night at my old church, when my grandmother or father would be a reader, or she would sing a solo in the choir loft.
Mother got out all these old pictures tonight as we returned from the movie. They are old, and like whoa, when I look at my lovely baby pictures, ewwww. Went from emaciated baby to tubby toddle, cute kid, and awkward adolescent who finally thinned out for a bit. Although quite cool to see my teeth get straighter, my nose get straighter, and myself growing gayer ever year! Now I'm watching Gray's Anatomy, such a great show as I've told you. It asked in the first few minutes, what you think right before you die, and cuts to scene of three girls from the show showering while one of hte guys looks on, haha.
I always wonder that myself. Although I guess in a way, I more than most knows the answer to that question. Morbid thought, but also a little relieving. I don't have to question some things nearly as much as others. But I love life so I think I'll wait a few more decades to find out the rest. Far too much to think about right now and do, after all I have big plans, and a few things up my sleeve that no one is going to anticipate.
By the way, should you read this one, thanks. It's good to know you still have faith in me, even after all my procrastinations, proveracations, and crazy talk... Keep up the happy irish whiskey drunkeness. I fully and completely support it... Whoo!


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